Our Organizing Resolutions for the New Year

Our Organizing Resolutions for the New Year

It’s that time again.  A New Year is upon us and we are full of resolutions!

  • Eat healthier and exercise more.
  • Plan to save or make better investments.
  • Perhaps put in for that promotion you’ve always wanted.
  • How about managing your stress and mental health?

Are you ready to conquer your resolutions and finally complete them this year?   What about organizing?  Did you add any organizing projects that you would like to tackle? I bet that made the list for some of you.

The team at Basic Organization also has made resolutions.  Like you, we each have a personal organizing project we would like to complete before the year’s end. So, you are not alone! We understand that organizing your home can sometimes be frustrating and overwhelming.  It can also be refreshing and invigorating to finally be free of all the extra stuff!

Organizing resolutions can be accomplished once and for all with proper planning.  Remember we are here to help guide you and offer our expertise.  However, we have some challenges of our own when it comes to organizing.  Check out the teams organizing resolutions for the new year below.


Above all Happy New Year and we wish you the best in the upcoming year!


“My personal organizing challenge for 2024 is a whole house decluttering. Being in my 60’s I know that it’s time to let go of anything in my home that’s not serving us any longer. Easier said than done. Well, I should practice what I preach. Right? So I hope to get to those projects that never make it to the top of my to-do list. The backlog of paperwork, what’s lurking in my storage room, that formal china that we never use (and my sons don’t want) are all on the chopping block. We’ve already eliminated old sports and camping equipment since those days are over for us. I foresee downsizing to a smaller home in the future and I know it’s easier to do the decluttering slowly over time, so my goal is to tackle more areas of my home this year.” Janet


“I’ve been dreading cleaning out my kids’ closets. Why? because they keep getting packed. When my kids were little, they would outgrow their clothes, and I would get rid of them in one way or another. Now that I have 2 adult kids that work, and make money, they go online or to the store and buy stuff. I told them I would help them organize their closets, bathroom storage, and bedrooms, and honestly, I just want to do it and get it done. It will take us hours to do, but we will get there. So, that’s the next project that I will tackle. Wish me luck.” Rouba


“My challenge is to organize my… Photos. I’ve been dreading it for literally years. I’m going to take it step by step and just a little bit each week. We’ll see, it may take me until 2027!” Stephanie


“We each have a personal organizing project we would like to complete before the year’s end.”


“I would like to tackle my recipes. We cook a lot and I’m constantly gathering recipes from different sources. I have recipes mixed together that I want to try, some that have been tried and some that I will make again.  They are all mixed together digitally. I also haven’t removed ones that I do not wish to keep (just in case!) There are so many that I need to be ruthless. My favorites, I like to keep in a traditional paper book but I also have copies on my computer and on Google Docs. This all just needs to be sorted but is a big job. Wish me luck.” Patti


“Wow!  Where should I start?  I have so many things on my to-do list! My big project is to tackle the basement office/craft room.  My husband works from home and his office has been in the basement.  It was a shared space and also my craft area.  We moved his office upstairs in January and that room has just become a dumping ground.  Need to take the time to clean it out and reclaim my craft space.  Maybe if I do that I’ll start using all those craft supplies I’ve accumulated! We also need to finish reorganizing the garage.  We started this fall and got about halfway done and then life happened.  Need to finish that second half.” Ann


“I plan to help my children purge their closets and dressers. This is a great time to see what fits and doesn’t while donating their clothing to a charity. We take all of the clothing out, place it on the bed, and go through each item one by one. I try to do this at least once or twice a year with them.” Michelle


“Remember we are here to help guide you and offer our expertise.”

“One project that I’d like to accomplish in 2024 is to donate/recycle old electronic devices. I have a few devices that are ready to go, but what’s holding me back from actually taking them is one old computer that has pictures on it that I’d like to save before donating/recycling.  My stumbling block is that it is an old computer that I don’t remember how to navigate so easily. I need to schedule time on my calendar in 2024 to sit down and complete this task – it will be a huge accomplishment!”  Denene


“I do not have a specific project in mind, however, I really want to eliminate more out of my house.  Each Monday I am planning to go through an area (i.e., my closet) and find 10 things that could be donated.  Just a quick grab and put it in a bag to donate that week.  Another area that I can do a quick grab is under my sink – taking out a few cleaning or other items that I have not used in the last couple of months.  These tasks are meant to take less than 15 minutes.  Just simply ways to decrease along the way.  I also am recommitting to my rule of one in two out, one new item in, and two old items out – it is the only way to gain ground in simplifying.” Sandy


Are you ready to conquer your organizing resolutions and finally complete them this year? Share on X


“My organizing resolutions project for 2024 is to go through the clothes my grown kids have left behind and donate the ones that can still be worn. I will be freeing up space in my house and I’ll be helping someone else as well as helping the environment. It’s a win-win!” Lori


“I am moving this year so I have a big decluttering project ahead of me.  However, the most daunting one is an under-the-stairs storage closet.  It has accumulated quite an assortment of odds and ends.  Since it is tucked away under the stairs, it is out of sight and out of mind! Which is not good.  So I plan to empty and sort everything.  It will be recycled, donated, or thrown away. Nothing like an upcoming move to put this in motion!”  Sue 


These are the organizing resolutions we would like to complete.  What about you?

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Janet Schiesl
Janet Schiesl



  1. Linda Samuels on January 22, 2024 at 8:15 am

    It’s inspiring to read about the personal organizing projects you and your team want to accomplish this year (and beyond.) Everyone will succeed because they are clear with their goal, why, and how. I wish each of you the best of success as you work towards letting go, organizing, and feeling that sense of ease that progress brings.

  2. Diane Quintana on January 22, 2024 at 9:07 am

    I love the way you asked your team to provide their resolutions. I think it helps people realize that professional organizers usually have their own on-going organizing projects.
    My project this year is to finally organize my digital files better so they more accurately reflect my paper files. It may take me more than a year but I am determined to start>

    • Janet Schiesl on January 24, 2024 at 9:15 am

      Yes, we are organizers, but we have undone projects too! Digital files is a great goal this year, good luck on your project!

  3. Sabrina Quairoli on January 22, 2024 at 9:59 am

    What a fun post sharing all your staff’s goals. Even though we are organizers, we also have our challenges. It shows that we are all real people and have our problem areas. But, we are willing and motivated with our arsenal of hacks and tools to help others clear their clutter. Thanks for sharing! Good luck to everyone on their goals.

    • Janet Schiesl on January 24, 2024 at 9:16 am

      Thank you! Yes, we may do this for a living, but we’re also living real life, too! We need maintenance and avoid projects too!

  4. Seana Turner on January 22, 2024 at 3:18 pm

    So many great options for what to declutter. My spaces I go through regularly (it’s like therapy for me), but my husband has a different “approach.” I’d love to get through some of the old electronics, none of which my husband will release until he feels they have been properly erased.

    Other than those, I’d like to work in our garage and basement, other spaces where my husband has “collected” a lot.

    We will see!!!

    • Janet Schiesl on January 24, 2024 at 9:24 am

      I love the quotes you put for your husband’s ‘approach’ Electronics can be such a hot button topic for people because they do have important data on them.

  5. Jill Katz on January 22, 2024 at 3:46 pm

    What a great post- organizers are people too! Not only does it show your clients that you each have organizing goals, it also gives people ideas for areas of concentration. I particularly love the organizer that wants to tackle old electronics. Many of us have that stumbling block of having a computer that need to be wiped and so we never recycle it. Scheduling time for this task is a great goal.

    • Janet Schiesl on January 24, 2024 at 9:26 am

      Yes, electronics are such a tough topic! They are cumbersome and also have so much data.

  6. Julie Bestry on January 22, 2024 at 8:59 pm

    It’s amazing how much it can inspire us to know that even our fellow organizers have these kinds of hangover projects that need to get done. I’m with Denene in that technology presents an entirely extra level of obstacles. I got a new computer two years ago, but I have it side-by-side with the old one because some technology (software, various dongles) don’t play nicely with the new computer. Getting everything from this hybrid period over to the “new” computer so I’m using it 100% would rid me of half the clutter on my desk, and then I could repurpose the old computer as a video screen in another room. Thanks for the motivation!

    • Janet Schiesl on January 24, 2024 at 9:26 am

      Yes, it’s true that we are people too. We have things we avoid and things we’re working on. Electronics seem to be a struggle for all of us!

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