Do you have too much stuff?
Do you have too much stuff?
Julie Hall is correct! In her book, “The Boomer Burden – Dealing With Your Parent’s Lifetime Accumulation of Stuff” she suspects you already know if you have too much stuff. Here are some of her indicators that I like best:
1. When you hang up a shirt in the closet, you have to push apart the other clothes to make space.
2. You can’t see the floor of your closet.
3. At least one bedroom has been turned into a storage area.
4. You rent storage space.
5. There are more licensed vehicles than licensed drivers at our house.
6. You can’t put your vehicles in the garage because you use it for storage.
Do any of these indicators ring true for you? Do you undoubtedly have too much stuff? We are certainly here to help! Schedule a Discovery call with us today.
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Janet Schiesl

Janet has been organizing since 2005. She is a Certified Professional Organizer and the owner of Basic Organization.
She loves using her background as a space planner to challenge her clients to look at their space differently. She leads the team in large projects and works one-on-one with clients to help the process move quickly and comfortably. Call her crazy, but she loves to work with paper, to purge what is not needed and to create filing systems that work for each individual client.
Janet is a Past Board Member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals and a Past President of the Washington DC Chapter of NAPO were she has been named Organizer of the Year and Volunteer of the Year.

Janet Schiesl
Janet has been organizing since 2005. She is a Certified Professional Organizer and the owner of Basic Organization.
She loves using her background as a space planner to challenge her clients to look at their space differently. She leads the team in large projects and works one-on-one with clients to help the process move quickly and comfortably. Call her crazy, but she loves to work with paper, to purge what is not needed and to create filing systems that work for each individual client.
Janet is a Past Board Member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals and a Past President of the Washington DC Chapter of NAPO were she has been named Organizer of the Year and Volunteer of the Year.
My problem isn’t the closet. It’s the dresser drawers. I’m going to give them a good sort and clean out as soon as it gets chillier. Lots of shirts are going to go!
Dresser drawers or closet. It could even be your medicine cabinet or your glove compartment. Whatever it is sort, purge, rearrange and maintain!
People don’t realize how having too much stuff can hold you back. Organizing will move you forward.
I resonate with that comment about having to “push items aside” in order to store something. That action requires energy, and I find it is almost associated with a negative emotion. It’s as if the drawer or closet is saying, “You failure.. you still haven’t dealt with this.” Thinning the items in a location like this is like opening the door to fresh air after having been stuck inside during a heat wave: energizing, refreshing, freeing.
Seana. I agree. I just turned the hangers in my closet because it is getting too full for me and I don’t feel I have enough space.
As I watched the video, I went through the checklist and silently responded to the questions. I was doing just fine until you got to the garage one. Uh-oh. We have too much stuff in our garage! Part of the issue is that we live in a one-story house with no basement or attic. Our garage functions as a storage area. But the other part is that we have too much stuff! We’ve edited many times over the years. Based on my reaction, I know it’s time to do it again. Thank you for the nudge.
Good for you Linda. But I’ll tell you a secret. My garage has too much stuff too (and we have a basement). My husband is a procrastinator and the garage is filled with projects he is going to do one day.
When my husband decided we should move I started decluttering. We didn’t move and I continued to declutter. I think everyone in a 1st world country has too much stuff but if it fits in our homes we keep it instead of deciding we can make do with less.
Julie, I often say to my clients “we fill the space we have”. Most people want to live in the cozy space, but we live in must larger homes than past generations, therefore we have a lot more stuff.