Ten General Tips for Organizing Your Kids

Ten General Tips for Organizing Your Kids. Teaching organization is one of the most important things you can do for your child. Therefore, the key is to make it easy, fast, and fun.  It’s important for children to manage their own things. Providing your children with responsibility for their toys, clothes, and rooms teaches them…

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Organizing a Personal Library

You need to know your own preferences when organizing a personal library. If you are going to be the only person using the space, you don’t have to rely on the Dewey Decimal System. Just like organizing any other space in your home, it needs to work for you and only you, so personalize it. When…

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Styling Bookcases

  Try these simple tips below to help you with styling your bookcases: The first step in the process is to sort the books into categories. This is going to be different for everyone. It will depend on what you read. The second step is to re-shelve the books in their categories so that when…

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