Create a Clutter-Free Morning

Watch this video on YouTube Create a Clutter-Free Morning Mornings are tough – So much to do in too little time. But your morning sets the mood for the rest of your day. How can you make your mornings more energizing than draining? Spend a few minutes each night setting yourself up for success. Make…

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Two Tricks to Simplify Life

Watch this video on YouTube Two Tricks to Simplify Life Simplifying will give you breathing room to do the things…

Review Schedule

Reviewing Your Schedule

Watch this video on YouTube Reviewing Your Schedule Are you reviewing your schedule each week? Doing a weekly review of…


Organizing Your Closet

Watch this video on YouTube Organizing Your Closet Getting your closet in order can save you time, money, and space.…


Our Travel, Vacation, and Packing Tips

Watch this video on YouTube Our Travel, Vacation, and Packing Tips It’s that time of year!  Would you like a…


Time to Contain the Tupperware

Watch this video on YouTube Time to Contain the Tupperware Take a few minutes to sort, purge, and contain your…


Want a Jammin’ Junk Drawer?

Watch this video on YouTube Want a Jammin’ Junk Drawer?  I’ve been reading a lot of blog postings about junk…