The Mayonnaise Jar & Coffee

Watch this video on YouTube   The Mayonnaise Jar & Coffee This is a great story . . . . (about time management) . . . When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, When 24 hours in a day is not enough; remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.…

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My Thoughts on List Making

Watch this video on YouTube My Thoughts on List Making I get my best thinking done while I am driving in my car and in the early morning hours when I should be sleeping. A million things can pop into my head at these times. The issue is I can forget a thought as quickly…

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Rightsizing Your Life!

Watch this video on YouTube Rightsizing Your Life! I am giving a presentation today on Downsizing for Seniors. The dreaded D-word! But what does that mean, Downsizing? Instead of thinking of eliminating things from your life and closing doors on your past, Don’t make it negative. Make it a positive experience. Call it Rightsizing! Make…

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“Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye”- Part 7

Watch this video on YouTube The Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye Series Welcome to Part  7 of the “Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye” series. This is the last of the series, where we are exploring some organizing concepts that will help you declutter and maintain your newly organized spaces. This concept may seem like a no-brainer to…

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“Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye”- Part 6

Watch this video on YouTube   The Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye Series This is Part 6 of the “Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye” series. In this series, we are exploring some organizing concepts that will help you declutter and maintain your newly organized spaces. We all have stuff in our space that we don’t even notice…

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“Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye”- Part 5

Watch this video on YouTube The Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye Series This is Part 5 of the “Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye” series. In this series, we are exploring some organizing concepts that will help you declutter and maintain your newly organized spaces. Clearing clutter is not “One Solution Fits All.” It usually can’t be done…

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