What’s under your bed?
What’s Under Your Bed?
Dust bunnies, storage items, the Boogie monster? How do you use this space in your home? For those with limited storage, under their bed is considered valuable space. They usually don’t have any other storage options available.
Others believe items under their bed are clutter and don’t like it in and around their sleeping environment. According to Feng Shui, the space under your bed should be clear of any items that may collect negative energy.
We asked the team at Basic Organization what is under their beds. Do any of these resonate with you? Feel free to comment below.
“Proud to say nothing! I heard once that it was not good for Feng Shui to sleep over products (but I wouldn’t buy that if you needed to use the space…it’s OK). My guest room is another story. I have video projects and costumes under there. I also have a framed picture of Liberace that I put up each Christmas to avoid getting damaged.” Patti
“Under my bed is pretty full. We don’t have a lot of storage in our house, so it becomes a catch-all sometimes. I keep clothes, lime snow pants, and rain gear that are not used much anymore, but I hate to part with them. I also keep framed artwork that is unused and fits nowhere else. My daughter uses bins to keep her shoes in because she has too many! I also have t-shirts I’m keeping to make a t-shirt quilt (or two or three)one day.” Ann
“I use the area under the bed as storage for large, flat items, such as extra shelves for a built-in bookcase and a mirror that I am not currently using but would like to keep since it goes with my bedroom set.” Denene
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“I have nothing under my bed. It used to be a waterbed! Remember those from the last century? When we decided to move on from a waterbed and invest in a regular mattress, we kept the bed with a box frame under the mattress. It was there to support the weight of a waterbed, but it also supports a mattress, so we don’t need a box spring or slats. Therefore, I have nothing under my bed.
I do the same under every bed in my house – nothing. It’s also good for feng shui, letting air flow around furniture and under your bed.” Janet
“I would rather get rid of items than have to store them under my bed; I just can’t. I try to get the vacuum to reach under and keep it clean as much as possible. But it’s different for everyone’s space. When organizing bedrooms, I have found that having the under-bed storage that is see-through and easy to fold and put away when not in use is the way to go. Especially if you lack closet space. Many of our clients live in apartments, so having winter clothes stored under their beds in the summer and vice versa in the winter. These under-bed storage are great for toys, too.” Rouba
“I don’t have a lot of room in my closet for my shoes, so I have these under-bed storage containers in which I keep my shoes. I keep winter and summer shoes in separate containers and on different sides under my bed. The containers have a zipper that helps keep the dust off of my shoes when I store them.” Lori
“Since my recent move, I have nothing under my beds. I prefer it that way. I used to have an under-the-bed-container that kept wrapping paper and gift bags, however I donated those items since I accumulated way more than I needed.” Sue
“I really do not like to store anything under the bed because if I do, chances are I will forget about it. But in my daughter’s room, since she is short on space, I like to keep out of season clothing and extra blankets in these storage bags from Ikea. They are lightweight, zip up, and have a handle to easily grab from under the bed.” Michelle
Let us know what’s under your bed. Do you use it for storage?
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I understand about not wanting to fill the space under a bed but sometimes that space is the most logical storage space if the room is small and/or the closet space is small. As I saw in your post, there are many companies making under the bed storage containers and drawers these days. Some have clear lids, some are actual drawers on rollers that are very easy to use.
Sometimes the lack of storage facilitates putting things under the bed. It’s always an option as long as it’s thought out what is going to be stored there. If you are going to put anything under your bed it should be completely covered, to protect from the dust that collects there.
Great read! I’m always interested to find out if others store things under their beds. I as well read feng shui said to not put things under the bed to keep energy flowing freely under there. I only have a couple items under mine, mainly things my husband insists should be there and a dream box of mine.
A dream box! That sounds interesting. I think it’s easy to start shoving things under a bed once you get started, so maybe that’s why the Feng Shui is to have nothing.
I remember going to a Feng Shui workshop a while back. She mentioned, as noted in your post that it’s not great to store things under your bed because of energy flow. While I understand that, it’s not always possible. And in our case, I store off-season clothes under our bed. While I’d prefer to have nothing, I have no other place to store these clothes.
Does stuck energy collect there? I don’t know. I access the boxes a few times a year, giving the space below a chance to breathe.
I have heard that as well, but I agree, sometimes it’s not an option to keep this area empty.
I suspect that if a thief stole everything under my bed, I would never miss it. The only thing I know for sure is under there (other than dust bunnies) is a wooden chest that holds my parents’ and my in-laws’ silverware. What am I supposed to do with that?
I’m lucky to have a storage room where I keep the silver. But under your bed is a good option. I like to suggest storing things you don’t use often under beds if anything at all. Because it’s hard to get these items out when needed and no one wants to do that too often.
In the spirit of honesty, at the moment, holiday gifts are under my bed, waiting to be wrapped. In the guest room, I keep the leaves for my dining room table. My daughter’s room is mostly empty, but I think she still has a box of memorabilia under there. I know many people who keep out-of-season clothes under the bed.
I know the ideal is to have that space free, but I do think it can be a handy place to keep things you don’t need every day. In a kids’ room, an open-top bin can also be a great place to keep toys, like a giant bin of Legos.
I’m always open to using whatever space we have.
One thing I’ve seen that I like is under-the-bed storage for the toys that kids play with on the floor. Then they have easy access and it’s easy to clean up as well.
I don’t currently have anything under my bed, but I wonder what feng shui would say about how I used to have an old VCR under there? Before that, I had old (empty) luggage that had been given to me but someone no longer in my life. I’m less worried about the feng shui of stuff than I am about the feng shui of stuff with bad mojo!
In college, I had storage containers under the bed for keeping extra sets of bed linens and towels, and whatever soft goods I needed to store, but luckily I’ve had enough storage space wherever I’ve lived since. I appreciate that can be a luxury, and under-the-bed can be a blessing if what you keep there is organized. (If you do keep a ton of stuff under the bed, at least you know there’s no room for monsters to hide under there!)
It sounds like you kept stuff under your bed that you didn’t know what else to do with it.
I think storing things under your college bed is a necessity!