Our Favorite Closets to Organize
Our Favorite Closets to Organize
Decluttering closets are usually at the top of the list for Spring cleaning.
At Basic Organization it is a common task for us to organize a closet or two during our client visits. Which closets do we tackle? Coat, clothes, utility, and walk-in closets. Even pantries are ready to be cleared out of expired goods. The Basic Organization team has our favorites to complete for our clients. Can you guess? Which is your favorite to declutter and organize?
In all honesty, I would love to tackle an under-the-stairs Harry Potter closet. Perhaps a complete makeover, but that’s just a dream for now!
Check out the team’s favorite closets to organize below:
“In my clothes closet, I love to display clothing and accessories. To do this, I have an area inside my closet where each category lives. I like storing my shoes on a shoe rack. This way I take advantage of all the space from the bottom of the hanging clothing to the floor and can see all my shoes. The rack I referenced holds 12 pairs of shoes (sizes may vary) and I use that space to limit the number of shoes I keep at any time.” Janet
“I enjoy linen closets the most. I like how the towels and washcloths line up. Baskets make it look extra special.” Candy
“I love organizing a pantry! Labeling shelves and bins so everyone in the family knows where things go is key to organization. Tiered shelves make seeing canned goods and other pantry staples much easier. Once you’ve organized the pantry, all you need to do is maintain it.” Denene
“I enjoy organizing my linen closet. I have my linen closet labeled by sheet size and items. That is super helpful when putting things away – helpful for me but also others when they put things away. I have limited the number of sheet sets per bed – keeping it at 2 but no more than three sets per bed. That also helps keep the closet in order and not be overcrowded. The key to my closet is the labels and quantity in the closet.” Sandy
Decluttering closets are usually at the top of the list for Spring cleaning. Share on X
“I love organizing walk-in closets. Most of the time a major decluttering happens while organizing this type of closet. Everything comes out, 2 thirds goes back in. The clothing gets hung in order of weather and color. Everything should be visible, if you can’t see it, you won’t wear it, so it has to go.” Rouba
“I like to organize linen closets. I love to roll the towels and fold the sheet sets. Many don’t fold their sheets properly, especially their fitted sheets. I love to make them look pretty with the folding method I learned. Towels and sheets neatly folded make it easier to grab and make the closet look BEAUTIFUL! I like to use clear bins with labels so it’s easier to access essential items like toothpaste, bandaids, etc.” Lori
“I find it very relaxing to organize linen closets. I like to roll towels and fold sheet sets. Because the linen closet space is usually small, I use a wire rack inside the door to contain washcloths, hand towels, and maybe a few toiletries.” Michelle
“Cleaning out a clothes closet is my favorite. Even though the types of clothes hanging are different, you can see uniformity using similar hangers. It looks tidy and organized.” Sue
“I love getting to work in a walk-in closet. It’s always nice to make a closet more functional for our clients. You never know what you are getting with a walk-in. It could be clothes, shoes, or even linens too.” Ann
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I enjoy organizing closets also. My favorite are storage closets. I often find things people have hidden away, forgot they had, and now either decide to release the object or display it. It’s like going on a treasure hunt!
There is always forgotten clothes and shoes that our clients decide to donate after they’ve not been worn in a while. It’s a win win for them.
After reading this, I feel a need to go and clean out my closets or, even better, have you guys come and do it for me!
We would be more than happy to come and help you Janet.
It’s funny, but I hadn’t considered which type of closet I enjoy organizing the most. I also love organizing closets! It’s because, in a small, defined space, you can make a quick, visible transformation. The positive effects are long-lasting.
If I had to choose, I like organizing clothing closets the most. I love being around all of the colors and textures.
We never know what we end up finding in the clothing closets. We had to organize a closet one time and we found over 20 pairs of unworn shoes and the lady decided to donate them because she wasn’t going to wear them anymore. At least they’ll go to help someone in need hopefully.
Although I don’t have one, linen closets are my favorite to organize with clients because it’s easy, it lacks sentimental concerns (nobody ever feels sad that they can’t “fit into” their sheets or pillows), and you can make a huge dent in a short period of time. Clients who have difficulty making decisions in their clothes closets often gain decision-making muscle in the linen closets.
That said, I enjoy the opportunity to quickly make a big dent in a coat closet and get it cleaned as well as organized. Clothing closets are fun if the client is willing and able to make decisions and let go of things that no longer fit (their bodies or their lifestyles) or flatter, but can drag on if they are unwilling to let go of anything, even outfits from 30 or more years ago.
I think I’m going to go spring clean my own coat closet right now!
Great point about the linen closet, yes no sentimental decisions there, and they are sometimes surprised how many towels or sheets they had, and they decide to get rid of them.
Clothes closets are fun but could be challenging when it comes to deciding on the size or if the item is still in fashion. What about the clothes that still have tags on them.
Good for you for deciding on cleaning your own coat closet Julie.
I love the posts where your team comments about their take on an organizing space or issue- those are so much fun! I identified with the person who said that organizing closets are like a treasure hunt. My favorite part is removing items that belong in a different space so that I can carefully organize what really belongs there in a way that is calming and enjoyable for my client. I want them to see the things they love and use in that space instead of having to riffle through things to find what they need.
Thanks Jill. I love that each member of our team is unique and comes up with different solutions to the same space. I’m like you – I love an organized closet!