Everything you need to know about Manuals for an Employee-Based Organizing Business

Since you landed here, my guess is that you are interested in running an employee-based business now, or in the future. I'd love to know what your goals are, so feel free to contact me at Janet@BasicOrganization.com and let me know. Your thoughts are probably similar to others and I'd love to address them during the upcoming webinar.

When I started my business, 16 years ago, I never thought I'd be where I am today.  I'd like to share with you what got me here and why.  I started my business in 2005 as a solopreneur. I quickly realized that I loved working on large residential organizing jobs that required a team. As many of you may be doing, I started hiring sub-contractors through my NAPO chapter. Great, all is good - Yes? No. I became discouraged with some of the rules of sub-contracting so in 2011 I hired my first employee.

It's easy for me to say this now, but I did it all wrong. Without the structure in place for an employee-based business I was making it up as I went along. It took me years to set up the systems necessary to be a successful business owner with a team. One of the things that I was lacking when I hired my first W-2 was the documentation needed to make my business life easier.

The most important thing that makes my business run smoothly is MANUALS.

Why are manuals so important?

            • They make on-boarding and training of new team members seamless.
            • They clarify the objectives of the company and each individual job.
            • They make it easier for me to delegate business projects and tasks to others.
            • They will make it easier for me to run the business as I age.
            • They will hopefully make my business sell-able when I'm ready to retire.

               In the upcoming webinar I'll share outlines of my company's:

            • Operations Manual
            • Employee Policy and Procedure Manual
            • Packing Best Practices Manual
            • On-boarding and Off-boarding Checklist
            • Education and Advancement Structure

We'll talk through the "what" and "why" of each document. I'm here to say that it's not "my way of the highway". It's a work in progress. I'll offer you the structure to get started.

The seminar is FREE!

So meet me over a zoom call on Friday, April 30th at noon ET and we'll explore how you can move your organizing and productivity business towards an employee-base model with the creation of company manuals.

Register Here for the seminar.

            • The seminar will be recorded and emailed to all registrants after the call.
            • Call-in information will be sent to all registrants on April 29th.


The best advice I can give you is to start now. Don't do what I did and make it up as you go along. This is your business!

I look forward to talking with you soon.


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