Time Management
Halt Phone Solicitations
Watch this video on YouTube Halt Phone Solicitations as soon as today! Oh, those annoying telemarketers. Did you know you…
Read More...Avoid the Rush
If you are always rushing around and continuously late for appointments you may have “one last thing” syndrome.
Read More...Increasing Productivity
Nowadays, everyone is being asked to work smarter and harder than ever. There are only 24 hours a day, so you’ll never find extra time to accomplish more.
Read More...Principles of Scheduling
What gets scheduled usually gets done. What gets postponed usually gets abandoned.
Here are six suggestions to consider when scheduling appointments and activities.
Working From Home
If you are a home-based business owner, count your blessings. You are providing opportunities for yourself and your family that are unavailable to 9 to 5ers.
Read More...Do What You Dread and DO IT NOW!
Have you ever heard of the “Eat that Frog” technique? It means…do the thing that you are dreading right now and get it over with.