What Kind of Routines Do You Have?

Watch this video on YouTube You have routines if you brush your teeth, exercise regularly, or store your phone in the same pocket each day. You probably have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly routines. Without a doubt, we all have some kind of routine. What do you struggle with most about routines? Is it keeping…

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Delegating Chores to Your Children

delegating chores

Watch this video on YouTube When delegating chores to a child, you must show them how to do the task first. Do the job yourself and let them watch. Then let them help. Then let them do it while you watch. Finally, let them do it alone. By teaching your children to put away their things…

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Delegating Tasks to the Kids

Are the kids home for the summer? Does this mean that you are overwhelmed with keeping them busy? Consider delegating tasks to them for more responsibility this summer. Especially, have them pitch in around the house and/or take more responsibility for themselves. Identify 3 to-do’s that you can delegate to each child. Specifically, take some…

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Holiday Planning in 3 Easy Steps


Watch this video on YouTube The holidays are fast approaching. Are you starting to panic? Don’t worry. Take a deep breath. There is still time to plan. The key is a successful holiday season is creating a comprehensive plan. Step 1 – Brainstorm Sit down with your immediate family and decide how you want to…

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